Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Importance of Valentine's Day

A call of Hope from a lonely boy

Everyone says it’s a corporate holiday,

Only to sell greeting cards, but Hallmark knew what it was doing. There is a reason corporate America pushes this seemingly silly holiday on us year after year.

We all want love.

We all feel love for someone at some point in our otherwise meaningless lives.
Without love we are only interested in ourselves, so if you think about it, Valentine’s Day is a suggestion to give a crap about someone other than yourself. Some of us don’t need the reminder because we think about it every day. But it’s the chance to force ourselves out of our self-absorbed little bubble, if you use it right.

It ends up feeling like a sad, dark day if you go year after year spending Valentine’s Day alone, like myself for instance. But this turn of events that seems to transpire against me getting anywhere near the amount of snuggling I had planned has not shaken my faith in it’s importance.

While I hope and pray every year that something will change and I will end up spending THIS year with someone special, I think that my being alone has not turned me bitter, but rather has encouraged my hope to grow further, taking the pain and loneliness, as some call it, and turning it into introspective maturation. 
Perhaps this is just a way to make it through, just make myself not be sad, but I’d prefer to see it as a step towards emotional enlightenment. 
I know if this was a holiday that marketed itself as only a day to score some tail, I wouldn’t have had so many disappointing years, and at the same time, no one would care. 
When the day comes where loneliness is no longer what I have to look forward to on Valentine’s Day, I will, without a doubt, appreciate that day all the more.

Love is nothing to shake a stick at, nor turn one’s nose up at. 
Since it’s intangible and indefinable it’s something that we do actually need to be reminded to value, for at least one day a year. 
Since Love really is so important to humans, whether it makes a lot of sense or not I believe Valentine’s Day is not a silly guise for capitalism, 
it’s valuable, it’s hopeful and it’s important.

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